Education for African Animal Welfare recently attended the 21st Annual International Companion Animal Welfare Conference, as represented by our director Mr. Ayubu Nnko. The conference was held at Valletta in Malta.
21st Annual International Companion Animal Welfare Conference

Figure 1. The conference was organized by Dogs Trust Worldwide. It brought together all stakeholders involved in the dog and animal welfare movement from all across the world. The conference took place from October 8th-10th 2019.
This conference offered a perfect platform to discuss the welfare of companion animals; and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, ideas and mutual support for animal welfare. Organized and Run by Dog’s trust, this conference is one of its kind.
This conference was very strategic for EAAW, seeing our passionate involvement in the animal welfare movement, and our work with dogs and cats. Our presence was to highlight our support for the dogs and cats welfare movement and to learn from others involved in the movement on best practices going forward.
Why is the welfare of Dogs important?
Dogs and cats have been termed as man’s closest friend. These two animals are the closest companion animals to man, more than any other animal. Just like other animals and human beings, dogs and cats deserve protection, compassion and effective welfare policies.
Having sound welfare policies and practices for dogs goes a long way in ensuring the health, safety and betterment of all society.

Figure 2. Delegates from different animal welfare organizations deliberating on the welfare of dogs and cats. It was a general consensus among many that animal welfare is still not given the proper attention and considerations it deserves. All around the world.
Figure 2. Delegates from different animal welfare organizations deliberating on the welfare of dogs and cats. It was a general consensus among many that animal welfare is still not given the proper attention and considerations it deserves. All around the world.
Figure 2. Delegates from different animal welfare organizations deliberating on the welfare of dogs and cats. It was a general consensus among many that animal welfare is still not given the proper attention and considerations it deserves. All around the world.
It was agreed that more focus should be emphasized on training, knowledge dissemination and awareness campaigns, as well as a change in policies. Training dogs and cats handlers’, for instance, would ensure that they understand psychological as well as physical issues in animal welfare.
Other major issues deliberated upon in the conference included: breeding control, health and nutrition as well as setting up education programs in animal welfare.
Education for African Animal Welfare (EAAW’s) Role
EAAW was well represented by our director, Mr. Ayubu Nnko, in this conference. He was able to highlight to different stakeholders the role and the contribution that EAAW has made in the animal welfare movement over the past year.
He reiterated EAAW’s mandate in ensuring animal welfare is enhanced in Tanzania, and our commitment to ensure that this continues to happen.
Mr. Nnko was also able to secure the commitment and support of other groups working in the Animal Welfare movement in the region; many of whom promised to work and collaborate with EAAW to advance the interest of Animal welfare In Africa.

Figure 3. Our director, Mr. Ayubu Nnko, enjoying a light moment during the annual International Companion Animals Welfare Conference in Valletta, Malta. He reiterated the commitment of EAAW in advancing the movement of animal welfare in Africa.