To Create Awareness and Practice among African Community on Animals Welfare.
To foster and promote animal welfare management through awareness creation and practice, among the people of Tanzania and East Africa, through Media Channels.
To communicate and spread animal’s news that will trigger animal’s welfare in the society.
Adopting and share good animal’s welfare practices for improved human well being which derived from sustainable livelihood.
To promote animal welfare education among society, that will trigger holistically protection of all animals from torture, abuse, cruelty, diseases, and painful killing.
To foster poverty reduction and economic growth through animal welfare.
To raise awareness to one health and one welfare.
To establish and operate media outlets for animal’s welfare affairs.

Education for Africa Animal Welfare (EAAW) is an African non-governmental organization which aims to promote animal welfare in Africa through awareness creation and improved practices and policies. We achieve this by raising our voices in support of animal welfare and in collaboration with other animal lovers to influence policy, support community empowerment, create strong advocacy groups, and promote attitude and behavioral change through media outlets.
EAAW promotes compassion and kindness to animals
among the people of Tanzania and the African continent by
promoting a greater understanding and appreciation of
animals, by providing direct care to animals in support of
the “One Health, One Welfare” concept. We will do this for
no financial profit.